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Mississippi Gulf Coast makes CNN List of Great Beaches

All of us living on the coast know that sunsets cannot get much more colorful, but now hopefully the rest of the world is taking notice.  Long Beach, Miss., was just added to CNN list of great beaches.  One thing that I repeatedly hear over and over from real estate buyers turned locals is that they love their coastal getaways.  Here, everything is conveniently located in close proximity of the 26-mile-long stretch of coastal Highway 90.  There is relatively little traffic and lines are short.  People are amazed at how easy everything is around here.

My customers comment about how surprised they are that they like the Mississippi Gulf Coast so much.  They comment about how much there is to do around here and how active the community is in organizing events.  It also never seems to fail that they mention how tasty the local cuisine remains, year after year.

CNN List of Great Beaches

The coast of Long Beach, Miss., has been named one of CNN’s best getaway spots, it made the CNN List of Great Beaches.

Read the CNN article, click on the picture below.
